What to Expect During Your Naturalization Interview
When you have spent a long time working towards U.S. citizenship, and you finally receive a date for your naturalization interview, you may be both excited and nervous. It is normal to feel a little apprehensive about this interview. The naturalization interview is a very important step in your journey to citizenship. Knowing what to expect during the interview can help you prepare and feel more confident going in. As there can be a long wait should you need to repeat or reschedule the interview due to missing information or incomplete paperwork, it is very important to make sure that you are well-prepared the first time. An attorney can help you prepare for your interview and work to ensure that you have all the needed documentation.
What Happens During a Naturalization Interview?
A naturalization interview can be stressful, even if you have done everything needed to prepare yourself. A few things to expect during your naturalization interview include:
Paperwork checks - Part of the interview process is reviewing all the necessary paperwork to ensure that everything is in order. You will need quite a few documents proving your identity, such as your permanent resident card and any passports or government IDs you have. Your attorney can help you ensure that you have all the documents you will need.
English and civics tests - When you report for your naturalization interview, this is when you will take the required English and civics tests. Note that these tests can be waived in some circumstances and that some individuals are eligible for an exemption. It is important to begin studying well in advance if you must take these tests.
Personal questions - The interviewer is likely to ask you quite a few questions about your background and citizenship application. Some of these questions will likely be very basic, such as where you were born. Others may be of a more personal nature, especially if your path to citizenship is marriage-based. If you have any criminal history, be prepared to be asked about it.
Results - You will generally be told the results of your test and interview right away. You should be emotionally prepared to receive your results on the day you go for your interview.
While the naturalization interview can be stressful, being prepared can set you up for success.
Contact a DuPage County Immigration Lawyer
Unzueta Law Group, P.C. is experienced in helping immigrants with all parts of their naturalization journey. Our skilled Itasca immigration attorneys will do all we can to prepare you for a successful interview. For a free consultation, please contact us at 630-509-2363.

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