Citizenship for Immigrant Parents and Their Children
Generally, an immigrant parent who becomes a naturalized U.S. citizen can also obtain citizenship for his or her minor children as long as they meet certain requirements. Parents with minor children often move to the United States hoping to provide a better life for their children. Some parents will move to the U.S. ahead of their children to begin a life and bring their children into the country at a later date. Many parents begin the immigration process primarily because they want to provide better opportunities for their children. If you want your child to become a U.S. citizen through you, it is important to speak to a DuPage County, IL immigration attorney to make sure that your child will meet the legal requirements to become a citizen.
When Can Children of Naturalized Citizens Get Citizenship?
If you are going through the process to become a naturalized U.S. citizen, your minor children can likely gain citizenship through you. Your children must meet certain requirements to become citizens as well. These requirements include:
- At least one parent is a naturalized citizen - Your child must have at least one biological or adoptive parent who is a naturalized U.S. citizen. This requirement is met if you have obtained citizenship for yourself.
- Your child is a minor - To automatically gain citizenship through a parent, a child must be less than 18 years old. If your child is an adult, he or she would need to apply for citizenship in his or her own right. However, he or she may be able to obtain a family visa, meaning that your citizenship status is still helpful.
- Your child is a lawful permanent resident - Your child must be legally present in the United States. It is important to ensure that your child goes through the proper legal process when you move him or her to the country.
- Your child is in your lawful and physical custody - The parent who is a citizen must have both legal and physical custody of the child. This means that if you want your child to gain citizenship through you, he or she must be living with you and you must have legal custody of him or her.
As long as your children meet these requirements, you can likely gain U.S. citizenship for them.
Contact an Itasca, IL Immigration Lawyer
Unzueta Law Group, P.C. is committed to helping parents and their children become U.S. citizens. Our experienced and knowledgeable DuPage County, IL immigration attorneys have more than two decades of combined experience helping people become naturalized citizens. Contact us at 630-509-2363 for a confidential consultation.

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