Chicago Releases "Know Your Rights" Ad Campaign for Immigrants
The city of Chicago has launched an ad campaign on the CTA (Chicago Transport Authority) System as communities brace for potential ICE raids directed by the current administration. The campaign is called "Know Your Rights" and is intended to help unauthorized immigrants in the city understand their rights and know how to react to ICE raids and deportation proceedings.
The ads for this campaign are currently being displayed on more than 400 screens across the CTA system. These ads contain a QR code that directs riders to the city website, which also includes a flyer with information on what to do if ICE comes to your home or workplace, how to prepare for an ICE raid, a resource guide, and an FAQ page.
The Mayor of Chicago said in a statement that "Chicago will always be a Welcoming City, not just by ordinance but also with our inclusive and loving spirit." If you have additional immigration questions or concerns, it can be beneficial to speak to an experienced Itasca, IL immigration attorney.
Chicago is the Birthplace of the Midwest Welcoming City Movement
In 1985, Chicago’s first black mayor took bold steps to embrace those from all walks of life, including immigrants. Part of this movement included prohibiting city officials from asking an individual about his or her citizenship status. By 2012, Chicago passed the Welcoming City Ordinance to ensure no resident would be denied services based solely on immigration status. These services may include housing, education, and health care. The Ordinance also limited the extent to which local law enforcement could cooperate with federal immigration authorities.
What to Do When Interacting with Immigration Officers (ICE)
Those who witness ICE activities can call the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) number to report those activities (1-855-435-7693). Those who are questioned by ICE have the following rights:
- You have the right to remain silent during questioning or an arrest.
- Always keep your hands where they can be seen and remain calm to the extent possible.
- Never sign anything you do not understand.
- State your wish to speak to an attorney.
- If an officer knocks on your door, do not open the door.
- ICE officers must have a warrant signed by a judge to enter your home. A "warrant" signed by an ICE officer does not grant them the authority to enter your home without consent.
- If you are outdoors and see ICE officers, move to a safe indoor space whenever possible.
- If you are a U.S. citizen and feel you can do so, record the activity on your phone – but never interfere or obstruct the operation.
Have a Plan in Place Should the Unthinkable Happen
Make sure you and your children have a list of emergency contacts. Memorize these numbers in case your phone is taken by ICE. If you have children in school or daycare, provide those facilities with an emergency contact number of the person you have designated.
There is an online detainee locator where family members can locate loved ones ( Seek legal representation immediately if you are detained by ICE. If you do not have an immigration attorney, call 1-855-435-7693 to be connected to one. Other parts of your plan should include:
- Talk to your children about your emergency plan.
- Write down any necessary medical instructions for your children, including medications, doctor, health insurance, medical conditions, and allergies.
- Have a passport for your child.
- Speak to an immigration attorney before you find yourself detained by ICE.
Contact a DuPage County, IL Immigration Attorney
This can be a difficult, frightening time for those who do not have permanent residency status. Whether you have paperwork in the works to become a legal resident of the U.S. or not, you can benefit from speaking to an Itasca, IL immigration lawyer from Unzueta Law Group, P.C.. We are a local family firm with more than 20 years of experience in immigration law. Call 630-509-2363 to schedule an initial attorney meeting. Se Habla Espanol.

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